
63 documenten

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  1. Scale and health care

    This advisory report was prompted by disquiet in parliament. The Lower House of the Dutch parliament is deeply concerned about ...

    Publication | 14-05-2008

  2. Screening

    Over the last five years or so, various forms of (commercial) screening have become available, such as health checks and total ...

    Publication | 01-04-2008

  3. Health care purchasing

    In addition to setting out a standard health insurance package for health care costs, the provisions of the Health Insurance Act ...

    Publication | 19-03-2008

  4. Better off without the AWBZ?

    The AWBZ (Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten, the General Act on Exceptional Medical Expenses) was introduced fifty years ago ...

    Publication | 31-01-2008

  5. Postponement of parenthood: a medical of social problem?

    The Netherlands is one of the leaders in ‘late parenthood’ in Europe, together with Italy and Spain. For a quarter of the Dutch ...

    Publication | 07-03-2007

  6. Public health

    What is the main issue here? The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) wants the Netherlands to regain its former position ...

    Publication | 28-11-2006

  7. A health care consumers act

    In the Netherlands’ new healthcare system, a great deal is expected of the (insured) patient: he or she is required to become a ...

    Publication | 09-11-2006

  8. The labour market en the demand for care

    The demand for care is growing: the number of people with dementia alone is set to rise from 175,000 in 2002 to 412,000 by 2050; ...

    Publication | 14-09-2006

  9. Placing trust in the doctor

    Patients must be able to rely on the medical profession to provide them with independent and expert guidance.

    Publication | 01-06-2006

  10. Real estate management in the healthcare sector

    Institutions in the healthcare sector – hospitals, institutes, nursing homes and care homes – run no risks in terms of their real ...

    Publication | 07-03-2006