
63 documenten

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  1. Aiming for Health

    In the trend of rising life expectancies, the Netherlands continues to lag behind a number of other European countries. ...

    Publication | 04-10-2011

  2. Provisions for labour-saving innovations in healthcare

    The core question that concerns this recommendation is the following: How can the spread of labour-saving innovations in ...

    Publication | 01-07-2011

  3. Competent = qualified

    Innovative education and training and new health care professions The 13th of April, 2011 the Council for Public Health and ...

    Publication | 13-05-2011

  4. The new rules of the game

    Public debates are important for a democratic society. They are a way of ensuring that public opinions and social norms, which ...

    Publication | 01-05-2011

  5. Good patientship

    In recent decades, there has rightly been considerable emphasis on the rights of patients.

    Publication | 20-03-2010

  6. Perspective of Health 20/20

    The government’s role is to createa perspective and the conditions for good, sustainable care properspective, which matches ...

    Publication | 20-03-2010

  7. Vertaling - Health 2.0

    Publication | 23-02-2010

  8. Health 2.0

    Advisory produced by the Council for Public Health and Health Care for the Minister of Health, Welfare and SportHealth 2.0: ...

    Publication | 23-02-2010

  9. Many opportunities for improving public health are missed

    What applies to individuals also applies to the Dutch population as a whole: even if you are in good health, you could gain a lot ...

    Publication | 19-05-2009

  10. Expenditure Management in Health Care

    Recommendation issued by the Council for Public Health and Health Care to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

    Publication | 22-04-2009