
63 documenten

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  1. A focus on the healthcare relationship

    In 2006 a unique healthcare system was introduced in the Netherlands which has made private, competing health insurers ...

    Publication | 03-10-2017

  2. Simplicity pays. Solutions to avoid debts

    Having debts can significantly impact people’s health, well-being and social relationships. It also leads to significant costs on ...

    Publication | 26-06-2017

  3. No evidence without context. About the illusion of evidence‐based practice in healthcare

    Evidence-based practice as the basis for good healthcare is an illusion. The Council for Public Health and Society (Raad voor ...

    Publication | 19-06-2017

  4. Life issues are more than just medical problems

    Energetic and overly active schoolchildren, an unfulfilled desire to have children, and growing old that comes with its ...

    Publication | 23-05-2017

  5. Fair and sustainable care

    At the end of June 2006, the report Zinnige en duurzame zorg (Sensible and Sustainable Care) was published, addressing issues ...

    Publication | 27-06-2016

  6. Sensible and sustainable care

    The aging population and the continuous advance in technology are cause for concern about the sustainability of the collective ...

    Publication | 27-06-2016

  7. Long-term employability and health

    In the future, individuals will extend their working lives until a more advanced age than is currently the case. While for many ...

    Publication | 28-04-2015

  8. Consumer eHealth

    The Council defines consumer eHealth as information and communication technologies offered directly on the market to consumers ...

    Publication | 21-04-2015

  9. Preventing disease of affluence: a summary

    Diseases of affluence, or loss of health due to lifestyle habits associated with modern affluent society, usually feature far ...

    Publication | 05-04-2015

  10. Giving policyholders a voice

    As of 2006, the position of healthcare insurers in the healthcare system has changed. Healthcare insurers are now expected to ...

    Publication | 08-12-2014